New publications about sensors and smart city learning

Bernardo Tabuenca has published two new articles. He is doing work in the area of integrating life-long learning services into every day environments and linking them to the objects we use every day in our studies and learning activities.

Title: NFC LearnTracker: Seamless support for learning with mobile and sensor technology
Authors: Tabuenca, Bernardo
Kalz, Marco
Specht, Marcus

Title: “Tap it again, Sam”: Harmonizing the frontiers between digital and real worlds in education
Authors: Tabuenca, Bernardo
Kalz, Marco
Specht, Marcus

JTEL Winterschool 2010

Yesterday we ended the JTEL Winterschool in Innsbruck. The Winterschool brought together about 35 PHD students from different fields and we had leading researchers from the field of TEL in the Grillhof in Innsbruck for one week.

When you are interested in the outcomes, results of the workshops and some of the presentation you find most of the references on

I did a presentation on mobile servie orchestration and my model on ambient information channels.