Building on the successful Applying Adaptive Hypermedia Techniques to Service Oriented Environments Workshop ( held at AH2004, submissions to SOA-AIS are sought in topics related to the application of Service Oriented Architectures to Adaptive Information Systems.
Monthly Archives: March 2006
Mobile Learning 2006
The Mobile Learning 2006 International Conference aims to provide a forum for presenting and discussing cutting edge mobile learning research. In particular empirical research informed by theories of learning such as collaborative, contextual, constructivist and constructionist approaches which are well suited for mobile learning experiences and scenarios, is encouraged. Furthermore, given the continuous developments in technology, the conference aims to generate speculative debate in relation to where the field may be going. Here are the conference detailed submission areas.
I am PC for ECTEL 2006
The First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning provides a unique forum for all research related to technology-enhanced learning, as well as its interactions with knowledge management, business processes and work environments. It will provide a competitive yet broad enough forum for technology enhanced learning research in Europe and world-wide through specialized workshops and the main conference. The EC-TEL 2006 will provide unique networking possibilities for participating researchers throughout the week and include project meetings and discussions for EU/IST projects funded within the 6th framework program under the action line of “Technology- Enhanced Learning and Access to Cultural Heritage”.
EC-TEL 2006:
I am PC member of Workshop on Distributed and Mobile Collaboration
4th International Workshop on Distributed and Mobile Collaboration
(DMC 2006) will be held at the 14th IEEE International Workshops on
Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises
(WETICE-2006), University of Manchester, UK, June 26-28, 2006. The
homepage of the workshop is available at dmc2006/.
ADALE Workshop Series
I am coorganizing workshops on Adaptive Learning Design and Learning Processes. See the link to the Workshop at Adaptive Hypermedia: