Get geotagged sound snippets from freesoundproject

The Freesound Project is a collaborative database of Creative Commons
licensed sounds. Freesound focusses only on sound, not songs. This is
what sets freesound apart from other splendid libraries like ccMixter. You can find collections, geotagged sounds and remix the sounds. Great stuff if you want to build geotagging environments.

Acces the search here, I found also very interesting the exploration by tags!

Using GPS enabled mobile phones for collecting sensor information

SmartMobs writes about a project that uses the distributed sensoring power of mobile phones for analysing traffic data. So for context aware learning apps we can also use the sensors of others for learning in the future. Today most apps just use the sensors of the devices users carry around with them (GPS, Movement, Tilting) so but sensors are everywhere, so lets harness the power of these for supporting learning in context. One other app we build in the RAFT project was using a combination of user’s device GPS and infrastructural weather sensors to store additional metainformation about photo’s taken in a certain location.

Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Mobile phones as pervasive traffic sensors

Nokia Research is offering free real time traffic information to users with GPS-enabled mobile devices.

The Mobile Millenium project, which Nokia is developing along with researchers from the University of California at Berkeley, will be available to people as part of a pilot project aimed at collecting and studying traffic data. Currently it covers the greater Bay Area in California; users can download the software for free starting midnight Monday.

“Traffic is very common problem anywhere in the world and it affects issues such as energy consumption and carbon footprint,” says Henry Tirri, vice president and head of Nokia Research Center. “We want to show what you can do with pervasive sensing of the environment through millions of phones that people carry every day.”

Nokia says it believes a community of users with GPS-equipped mobile devices can help reduce traffic by enabling drivers to make better decisions.

Increase your Twitter Followers

as twittr is already the fastest growing app do you also want to increase your followers?

This guest post is written by Kevin Rose, the founder of Digg and the cofounder of Revision3 and Pownce. Kevin, who has over 88,000 followers on Twitter (making him the second most followed after President Obama), also “bloggs” at He is an investor in Twitter.

Ten Ways To Increase Your Twitter Followers:

  1. Explain to your followers what retweeting is and encourage them to retweet your links. Retweeting pushes your @username into foreign social graphs, resulting in clicks back to your profile. Track your retweets using retweetist.
  2. Fill out your bio. Your latest tweets and @replies don’t mean much to someone that doesn’t know you. Your bio is the only place you have to tell people who you are. Also, your bio is displayed on Twitter’s Suggested Users page. Leaving it blank or non-descriptive doesn’t encourage people to add you.
  3. As @garyvee says, “link it up.” Put links to your Twitter profile everywhere. Link it on your Digg, LinkedIn, Facebook, blog, email signature, and everywhere else you live online. Also, check out the great feedburner-like badges from TwitterCounter for your blog.
  4. Tweet about your passions in life and #hash tag them. Quality content coupled with an easy way to find it never fails. If others enjoy your content, they’ll add you. Learn more about #hash tagging here.
  5. Bring your twitter account into the physical world. Every time I give a talk, speak on a panel, shoot a podcast, present slides, or hand out business cards, I figure out a way to broadcast or display my twitter account.
  6. Take pictures. Pictures are heavily retweeted/spread around. This one from US Airways Flight 1549 has been viewed 350,000+ times. For mobile pics use iPhone apps such as Tweetie or Twitterific, both which support on the go uploading.
  7. Start a contest. @jasoncalacanis offered a free macbook air if he reached the #1 most followed spot. That never happened, but Jason added thousands of followers…brilliant.
  8. Follow the top twitter users and watch what they tweet. Pay attention to the type of content they sent out and how they address their audiences.
  9. Reply to/get involved in #hash tag memes. lists the hot ‘trending topics. Look for the #hash topics and jump in on the conversation (see #4 for links to #hash instructions).
  10. Track your results. TwitterCounter will show you how many new users you’re adding per day and Qwitter will email you when someone unfollows you after a tweet.

Android Application for different Navigation Concept

enkin supports users not only in map, and 3D mode but also in live mode. Basically you can walk around in your environment and take the camera view to look at and see the placemarks embedded. This gives interesting option for seamlessly integration annotation information in the live environment.

See also have a look at the enkin blog

Great work !

CFP EC-TEL 2009 (me general chair ;-)

First Announcement and Call for Participation
Apologies for cross-postings. Please also send to interested colleagues and students.
EC-TEL 2009 <>
September 29th – October 2nd, 2009
Cannes, France
Fourth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning
 "Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines"
Deadline for Papers: April 20th, 2009
Currently, the face of learning is changing substantially. Formal learning is surrounded by informal learning opportunities, classroom learning is complemented by workplace learning, and even the frontiers between teaching and learning are disappearing as people are learning collaboratively and engaging in knowledge communities. These developments are driven by technological advancements: large scale knowledge repositories provide learners with content and support them in an individualized and adaptive way; semantic technologies provide contextualized and task-specific information; the Web 2.0 enables people to actively take part in knowledge communication and knowledge construction. These new tools and technical means need psychological and pedagogical models of learning which take into account the vast diversity of situations where learning takes place, as well as the specific needs of individuals, tutors and organisations.
ECTEL 2009 aims to bring together new technological developments and  learning models. The conference will explore how the synergy of multiple disciplines, ranging from Computer Science, Education, Psychology, Cognitive Science, and Social Science, can provide new, more effective and more sustainable, technology-enhanced learning solutions. The conference welcomes researchers from European and Non-European countries and industries to present recent advancements from technologies, applications, and learning models in all areas of technology enhanced learning.
Novel technologies for learning:
Large scale sharing and interoperability 
Network infrastructures (peer to peer, ad-hoc networks, GRID)
Semantic web and web 2.0
Web services architectures
Sensors and sensor networks
Mobile technologies
Roomware and ubiquitous computing
Data mining and social networks
Intelligent games
User-adaptive systems and personalisation
Natural language processing
Pedagogical issues for TEL:
Learning communities & communities of practise
Problem- and project-based learning; inquiry based learning
Collaborative knowledge building
Game-based learning
Instructional design
Evaluation methods for TEL
Learner motivation and engagement
Individual, social & organisational learning processes:
Cognitive mechanisms in knowledge construction
Social processes
Knowledge management and organisational learning
Sustainability & TEL business models
Learning contexts and domains:
Formal education
Small, medium and large companies
Distance learning
Vocational training
Informal learning
Workplace learning
Learning domains, e.g. science, language, music, geography, history
From kindergarten to elderly people
TEL in developing countries
TEL for disabled persons
The conference will explore how the synergy of multiple disciplines, ranging from Computer Science, Education, Psychology, Cognitive Science, and Social Science, can provide new, more effective and more sustainable, technology-enhanced learning solutions. It welcomes researchers from European and Non-European countries and industries to present recent advancements from technologies, applications, and learning models in all areas of technology enhanced learning.
We invite all researchers across the different fields of TEL to contribute to the scientific landscape of technology enhanced learning. Contributions may address the design of innovative environments, computational models and architectures, results of empirical studies on socio-cognitive processes, field studies regarding the use of technologies in context, etc.
All eLearning documentation bringing together new technological developments and learning models are welcome.
All submissions will be reviewed for relevance, originality, significance, soundness and clarity by three reviewers. Proceedings will be published by Springer.
Submission formats:
Full Papers (between 10 and 15 pages)

Posters (between 4 and 6 pages)
Important dates:
Abstract submission:      April 13th 2009 (pre-submission

Papers and posters due:   Monday 20th April (Date will not be extended)

Acceptance notification:  June 1st, 2009

Camera Ready:             June 15th, 2009

Conference:               October 1st and 2nd, 2009
Besides the main technical program EC-TEL will host workshops on topics  related to the conference theme. Workshops promote scientific exchange amongst researchers interested in a particular topic and act as a meeting point for the community. The workshops should provide the opportunity to present and discuss ongoing work and new ideas in the diverse fields of research related to Technology Enhanced Learning. Of particular interest are workshop proposals with an interdisciplinary standpoint, proposals focusing on a specific technology of general interest, or bringing together a sub-community.
General Information and Criteria
Co-located workshops cover topics falling in the general scope of  the EC-TEL conference (refer to

They are clearly focused.

There is potentially a significant community interested in the workshop’s topic.

Workshop duration can be half a day or a full day.

We advise having more than one organizer and no more than four, preferably from different institutions, bringing different perspectives to the workshop topic.

Workshops are intended to be genuine interactive events and not mini-conferences. We welcome workshops with creative structures and organizations that attract various types of contributions and ensure rich interactions
Therefore, the workshop proposals should include how this is going to be fulfilled (i.e. methods for eliciting opinions and ideas to be used, organization of presentations and discussions, how non presenting participants are involved and so on)
* Programme committee, review process, kinds of submissions expected :  (abstracts, short papers, full papers, …) and planned publishing/proceeding will be taken into account as well.
Submission format:
Workshops: 4 pages
Important Workshops dates:
Workshop proposals:        March 30th, 2009
Workshop acceptance:       April 13th, 2009
Acceptance notification:   June 1st, 2009
Camera Ready papers:       June 15th, 2009
Workshops:  &
nbsp;              September 29th and 30th, 2009
EC-TEL is the leading European conference on theory in Technology Enhanced learning, attracting an increasing number of participants from various communities and sectors. In addition to papers and posters EC-TEL 2009 is seeking demonstrations of novel TEL applications in various sectors, as well as innovative enabling technologies and deployment infrastructures relevant to the main conference topics of interest. The demonstrations track complements the paper, workshop, and poster tracks providing hands-on access to real-world, proven-and-tested applications.
Submissions to the demonstrations track must be in the form of a textual  description of the demonstration to be given at the conference.
Important demonstrations dates:
Proposals:  June 1st, 2009

Acceptance notification:   June 21st, 2009

Conference:   October 1st and 2nd, 2009
The EC-TEL Doctoral Consortium brings together Ph.D. students working on topics related to Technology Enhanced Learning. The Doctoral Consortium will offer Ph.D. students the opportunity to present, discuss, and receive feedback on their research in an interdisciplinary and international atmosphere. The Doctoral Consortium will be accompanied by prominent professors and researchers in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning who will participate actively and contribute to the discussions. The Doctoral Consortium is co-located with and will take place immediately before the EC-TEL 2009 conference. The working language for the Doctoral Consortium will be English.
We welcome submissions on all major topics, to those of relevance for EC-TEL  2009. Submissions will be reviewed by at least two members of the EC-TEL Programme Committee. Papers selected will be published in proceedings and authors will present their work in front of other students and senior researchers during the Doctoral Consortium workshop. Each accepted paper will be assigned to at least two scientific advisors who will provide extended feedback on the research.
The goal of the symposium is to provide a unique opportunity for Ph.D. students to expose their work to an international group of academics andPh.D. students outside their home institution, enhancing feedback from their supervisors.
Important Doctoral Consortium dates:
Proposals:                   June 1st, 2009

Acceptance notification:     June 30th, 2009

Final paper submission:      August 31st, 2009

Doctoral Consortium:         September 29th or 30th, 2009
General Chair:
Marcus Specht (Centre for Learning Sciences and Technology @ OUNL, The Netherlands)
Programme Chairs:
Ulrike Cress (Knowledge Media Resarch Center, Germany),
Vania Dimitrova (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)
Local Organization Chair:
Katherine Maillet (Institut Telecom, Telecom & Management Sudparis, France)
Publicity Chair:
Marcela Morales (Institut Telecom, Telecom & Management Sudparis, France)
Workshop Chairs:
Nikol Rummel (University of Freiburg, Germany),
Peter Dolog (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Industrial Session Chair:
Volker Zimmermann (IMC, Germany)
Doctoral Consortium Chairs:
Frank Fischer (LMU University of Munich, Germany),
Stefanie Lindstaedt (Know Center, Austria)
Demonstration Chairs:
Alexandra Cristea (University of Warwick, United Kingdom),
Nikos Karacapilidis (Univeristy of Patras, Greece)