National Workshop on Seamless Learning Support with SURF Academy

The videos are now online and the talk is recorded very nice! Thanks SURF Academy!

Today I gave a keynote at the Symposium:

“Altijd en overal vertrouwd toegang tot de leer- en samenwerkingsomgeving” 

“Anytime and Everywhere Personal Access to your Learning and Collaboration Facilities”

About 100 persons mostly from higher education are participating in the event, you can download my introdoctury keynote here: 


Specht, M. (2013, 21 March). Seamless Learning Support. Keynote given at the Seminar Altijd en overal vertrouwd toegang tot de leer- en samenwerkingsomgeving organized by SURF Academy, De Glazen Ruimte, Maarssen, The Netherlands.
In the introduction I talked about “the seams” in learning and how we can bridge these gaps with different technologies.
In the parallel session there have been very interesting presentions both on technological questions as sharing hardware and network facilities, or usage of 4G for the mobile learning of the future as also more requirements analysis or user oriented design issues.