Zitate von Horst Siebert …

Auf der LearnTec habe ich eine sehr beeindruckenden Vortrag von Herrn Prof. Horst Siebert gehört. Seine Ausführungen zum Thema Konstruktivismus und nachhaltige Kompetenzentwicklung beinhalteten einige Punkte so als:

Definition von Kompetenz als Disposition Handlungen selbstorganisiert durchzuführen. Kompetenz ist ein Konstrukt (beobachtungsabhängig). Kompetenzen sind kontextabhängig. Selbstorganisation ist eine dabei eine Schlüsselkompetenz.

Herr Siebert beschreibt Konstruktivismus im Kontext der Vorläufer, Strömungen, Schlüsselbgriffe, und der Anwendungen.

Lernen ist vernetzt (biografisch, multimedial, perspektivisch, Kognition), reflexiv (Metakognition, intrinsische Motivation, Selbstevaluation), relevant (sinnvoll, authentisch, viabel, anschlussfähig), sozial (Differenzwahrnehmung, Perturbation, Koevolution).

Kompetenzentwicklung ist dann nachhaltig wenn sie an persönlich relevante Konzepte angeschlossen werden können. (Kompetenzen als Denk- Fühl- Verhaltensprogramme)

Bruce Sterling on the Internet of Things

A very nice podcast on the Internet of Things can be found at IT conversations: http://www.itconversations.com/shows/detail717.html

Sterling contrasts waking up in a Internet of Things in 30 years with todays world which is still struggling to find the right labels for “the internet of things”. Very inspiring! Also you should have a look at “Shaping things” by Bruce Sterling.

Some ideas from his talk:

Are words constraining our imagination and search for the best we could make out of machines? AI went wrong because of those writing words about it. Internet of things is not about Intelligence it is about a new relationship towards objects in the real world. This happes in six components:

  1. TAGS (Barcode, RFID),
  2. POSITIONING SYSTEMS (GEO-LOCATION and tracking systems),
  3. SEARCH Engines,
  4. Transparent Production, Cradle2Cradle,
  5. 3D virtual models for design,
  6. rapid prototyping objects

this will lead to different objects and people will interact differently with, SPIMES (physical instantiations of virtual objects).


it will feel good; external inventarization of my things in a ubiquitous machinery offering me a search engine;

“google my shoes in the morning!”

XEROX PARC play on!

I came across a very interesting site looking at the social dimensions of online games. You can find a lot of statistics about average game time for leveling and leveling curves for keeping players motivated. Other statistics look at the stability and cohesion of groups on game servers.

BTW an interesting article about fun, learning, and motivation can be found in Chapter 5 of Marc Prensky’s book on educational gaming. (link)
Find the PARC blog at at http://blogs.parc.com/playon/

Mobile Learning Conference 2007

I am in the PC of the Mobile Learning Conference 2007 in Lissabon find the CFP here.

the topics include:

  • How to Enhance the Experience without Interfering With It?
  • Affective Factors in Learning with Mobile Devices
  • How Can We Address the Conflicts between Personal Informal Learning and Traditional Classroom Education?
  • Evaluating Mobile Learning: What are Appropriate Methods for Evaluating in Mobile Environments?
  • How Should Learning Activities Using Mobile Technologies be Designed to Support Innovative Educational Practice?
  • How Can We Integrate Mobile Devices with Broader Educational Scenarios?
  • Other relevant themes to explore Big Issues in Mobile Learning

TenCompetence Winterschool Lectures and Report online

To support the Competence Network for PhD students, the TENCompetence project organized the first TENCompetence Winter School on January 22-26, 2007 in Innsbruck, Austria.

A major aim was to facilitate joint research and collaboration by stimulating the emergence of communities of practice and learning networks related to the TENCompetence research areas.

The programme included various types of training – lectures, hands-on sessions (and snowboarding for the more intrepid!).

The TenCompetence winterschool in Innsbruck was quite a successful event and you can find all material online at http://www.tencompetence.org/node/116.