New Article about IMS-LD and Personalization

Recently a new article appeared I have written together with Daniel Burgos about modelling adaptive learning support with IMS-LD:

Abstract: The paper describes a classification system for adaptive methods developed in the area of adaptive educational hypermedia based on four dimensions: What components of the educational system are adapted? To what features of the user and the current context does the system adapt? Why does the system adapt? How does the system get the necessary information? Based on this taxonomy several classical methods of adaptive educational hypermedia are classified. In a second step the paper gives an overview of key features in IMS-LD for implementing adaptive educational methods and gives some examples. In the last section the work is integrated and IMS-LD features are identified which can be used for the four dimensions of the classification system.

See at

The Truth About Managing People

Stephen P. Robbins Ph.D. has written a new book on “The Truth About Managing People” just had a glance on his chapter about motivation of workers. He highlights three questions about the point often heard by managers: “people are just not motivated to work”.

  • “do employees believe that if they give a maximum effort, it will be recognized in their performance appraisal?”
  • “do employees believe that if they get a good performance appraisal, it will lead to organizational rewards?”
  • “are the rewards the employees receive the ones that they want?”

I think these are essential points not only for organizational structures but the right design of rewarding or performance appraisal system is essential also for learning networks and the mentioned questions are undoubtful highly related to intrinsic motivation that has shown to be a key factor of working communities of practice.

Podcasting for Training

There is an interesting podcasting portal giving you supportive info for using podcasting in school. There has recently been a german study on how this is used and adapted by german teachers.

Furthremore you can find some best practice reports from german companies about using podcasts in training at in article.

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Adaptive Learning Spaces

Personalization project found at Stephan Weibelzahl’s blog:

A new project is starting: Adaptive Learning Spaces (ALS) funded under the Minerva programme will start in October 2006. Partners involved in the project include University of Warwick (UK), TU/e Eindhoven (NL), Bauhaus University Jena (GER), Johannes-Kepler University Linz (AUT), Turpine Vision (NL), and Softwin (RO).

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Workshop on Standards for Mobile Learning

Last friday I participated in a workshop at the DIN – Deutsches Institut fĂźr Normung e.V. in Berlin and gave a lecture about recent works on mobile social software for learning with the title “State of the Art Mobile Social Software for Learning” and a Reference Model of Mobile Social Software (Content, Context, Information flow, Purpose, Pedagogical model). In the wrokshop we created an interesting collection of future scenarios of Mobile Learning.

You can get the presentation from OUNL DSPACE here.