Learning in a Technology Enhanced World

You can download my inaugural address aas PDF from dspace.ou.nl at:

http://dspace.ou.nl/handle/1820/2034Learning in a Technology Enhanced World

As an abstract:

Technology pervades ever more and ever deeper the very fabric of our Life. Science fiction writers draw a vision of a world enhanced with sensor grids and nano-bots in which we live surrounded by ubiquitous technology embedded in everyday objects. For some of us this vision of the future might be scaring, for others bright. Here I would like to discuss the impact this change has on learning and the research necessary to create the available technological options and choices for supporting learning. This address tries to take a broad perspective on learning in a technology enhanced world and define the road to a better understanding of context in ubiquitous learning support.
On the one hand ubiquitous technology nowadays changes the way we communicate and it enhances our capabilities to connect with others or interact with our augmented environment. These media are by no means neutral, interchangeable instruments that just support human needs, but instead they are assumed to actively enable new modes of human behaviour and human learning: people change by their tools (Feenberg, 1991).
On the other hand instructional and learning sciences rarely have had an impact on the design of new technologies. In this address I will describe some evidence that we are in the middle of a qualitative change for the role of technology for learning and that there is an important contribution from the learning sciences to define future technology for learning. 
A key claim is that technological innovation and educational paradigms have to develop side-by-side, connecting technology innovation, educational models, and theories for contextual learning.
A key question in this work is: how can we unleash the power of contextual effects when we design ubiquitous learning support?

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